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Athens Township Frequently Asked Questions

When does Roundtop Park open?

Roundtop Park opens mid-May and closes mid-November. Park hours are from sunrise to sunset. 

When are the Township Supervisor meetings?

       The last Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM at the township municipal building

How do I contact the township office?

    The number is (570) 888-2325.  Office hours are 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday

Where do I go for a building permit?

    Zoning permits are issued at the township municipal building and can be secured weekdays from 8 AM to 5 PM
    Building permits can be secured through Code Inspections, Inc or by calling (570) 928-9208.

How do I go about renting a pavilion in Round Top Park?

    Reservations are made at the township office.  Pavilion rental fees range from $10.00   
    to $75.00.  Reservations are not required but recommended to assure pavilion is
    available. See Parks and Recreation

How do I contact the fire hall about renting their hall or with questions about bingo?

    The NON-EMERGENCY number for the fire hall is (570) 888-2121. This is also the number to call for firehall rentals. See Fire Station

How do I contact the District Justice office?

    The District Justice office is located in the gray building across the parking lot from the 
    Township building at 75 Herrick Avenue.Their phone number is (570) 888-6324

Do I need a permit to sell door-to-door or to do soliciting/peddling?

    A permit IS required and may be obtained from the Chief of Police

Is there a public boat launch in Athens Township?

    Yes. Tozer's Landing Boat Launch is on the Chemung River and may be accessed by
    Wilawana Road just across Route 220 by the Tops plaza.

Does Athens Township have a burning ordinance?

    Yes. The burning ordinance can be found in Chapter 65 of the Code of the Township of Athens.

What are the hours for Round Top Park and other township parks?

    Township parks are open from sunrise to sunset.  Round Top Park is closed to traffic from mid-
    November to mid-May, but the gate will open on for cross-country skiing and sledding on days
    when there is snow on the ground.  Tozer's Landing Boat Launch is open from 11 PM to 7 AM
    for fishing ONLY.  See Park Rules 

Can you go deer and bear hunting in Round Top Park?

    Hunting is allowed in Round Top Park during firearm deer/bear season only.  See Park Rules 

Can I pay my sewer bill at the township building?

    Sewer bills may be paid @ the Athens Township Authority Office. The office is located at the
    South Waverly Borough Hall, 2523 Pennsylvania Avenue. The phone number is
    (570) 888-2815.

Are permits required for home/private fireworks displays?

    Yes. These permits can be obtained from the Chief of Police.

How do I contact the dog warden or the Game Commission?

    Dog Warden (Jim Johnson): (570) 350-1564
    Game Commission: (570) 675-1143

Where do I pay my taxes?

    Real Estate Tax Collector: Danielle Kinner, 712 Riverside Drive, Athens, PA  18810
    (570) 888-4646
    Earned Income Tax: For information on the Earned Income Tax Collection,
    please visit

How do I volunteer for a township board? 
ou can contact the township secretary at (570) 888-2325.  The township keeps a list of
    interested volunteers to use to fill vacancies of the various boards, and you will be placed on
    that list.