Thursday, February 13th, 2025
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Athens Township Legal Notices

2025 Proposed Budget

Press Release:

Athens Township wishes to advise all motorists of road work taking place on ROUND TOP ROAD, PUMP STATION HILL ROAD and GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD beginning Monday, June 3rd – Thursday, June 6th from 7AM to 5PM each day. Paving / Milling projects on these roads may cause traffic delays, please allow additional travel time or use an alternate route. Any questions can be directed to Meagan Carling at 570-888-2325 or at the Athens Township Municipal Building.    


Now taking applications for Director of Public Works


Supervisor Vacancy-position filled

Thomas Avenue bridge closure: 

According to Penn DOT Dist. 3-0 in Montoursville, the Thomas Ave. Bridge (T-105) over the Cayuta Creek bridge will be closed beginning Nov 13, 2023 until the new two lane bridge is estimated to be completed in July 2024 provided no unforeseen circumstances occur or delays are encountered due to inclement weather. The Contractor for the project is Susquehanna Valley Construction Company and they plan to have traffic detours in place this week to be ready for the closure.

Moore Road bridge closure


LEGAL NOTICE ZONING HEARING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF ATHENS PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Athens Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Athens Township Municipal Building, 45 Herrick Avenue, Sayre, Pennsylvania, to conduct a hearing on the following: Application filed by Athens (Front) DPP, LLC, requesting a Special Exception to the Athens Township Zoning Ordinance, (“Ordinance”). A request for a special exception to the “Ordinance”, Rural Center Zoning Section 305, requesting proposed use of convenience market/general store be granted as a Special Exception. The subject property is owned by Timothy D. Robinson and is located at 1100 Front Street, Athens, PA 18810 (Tax Parcel Number: 09- 020.13-055-000-000) Any person with a disability requiring a special accommodation to attend said meeting, should notify the Township Secretary at (570) 888-2325 as early as possible or not later than three (3) working days prior to the meeting. The Township will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodation. Athens Township Zoning Hearing Board Taunya Knolles Rosenbloom, Esquire Solicitor to the Board 10,17aug,c



Act 13 Budget & Usage Reports to PUC

2015 Act 13 Usage Report 
2014 Act 13 Usage Report 
2013 Act 13 Usage Report 
2012 Act 13 Usage Report